Something that I never thought would happen to me, is going viral. And you don't even know it's me. No-one does because the person, or creature (alien?) in the video, is Stitch. Back in April I was working in Tomorrowland with Stitch and it was an ordinary day. I wasn't hitting my numbers, my attendant was lying about it, and I was having way too much fun burping in people's faces and trying to steal their left shoes.
A Good Doggo
The guest came up and I did a normal interaction. I probably wiped boogers on her, I don't remember. It was nearing the end of the set and I just wanted to come off. We start to take the photo, like normal, and the girls boyfriend goes "Look" so I do. And she's got her leg above her head. Now, I'm thinking "I want to do that. But can I? How high can I lift my leg with these feet on, but also, how high can I lift my head before It's no longer in character for Stitch." It's such a shock to see Stitch on pages like 9gag or LadBible and know that it's me. Some of the comments directed at Ava, the girl in the video, are deplorable. I think she was a minor when this was filmed, but even if she were an adult, they would not be okay. But the comments about Stitch have me giggling. I'm so glad I brought joy to so many people and I'm so glad people thought it was funny. A lot of comments wonder if Stitch didn't like her showing off, or thought she was annoying. Both of those theories are false. I loved it. Performers are used to dancers or cheerleaders posing like this, but I loved it every time. Every time someone did this I would try to copy. I once did a cartwheel as Mickey Mouse and everyone cheered, it was great. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to go viral. I got terminated and that was really hard but knowing millions of people have seen me be an idiot makes it just a bit better. It sucks that no-one but close friends knows that this is me and if I were still with the company, I wouldn't make it public that this was me. I feel like I want credit for it because performers never get credit for the work they do. They may get a four keys card or a cast compliment on twitter but that hardly ever happens. I don't think anyone will believe me when I say this is me, I know it's me and that's all that matters. I can take this feeling with me and I can tell my friends and my family that I went viral and they can be proud of me. I don't care if anyone believes me, I just wanted to tell someone.
I forgot I had a blog and I don't know what got me me to open it again and read what I had written. It's been almost a year and a half since I wrote and I feel like I'm a completely different person. I went from not going to church to going to church every week, participating in weekly activities like Institute and FHE when I'm not working. I read my scriptures every night and I pray multiple times a day. Jessica from a year and a half ago would not be able to recognise me. I feel like the title of my blog, "Trying My Hardest," means more to me now than it did when I started it. I was trying my hardest in the gospel and staying active in the church, but now I'm trying much harder in life. I got fired from my dream job for something that wasn't my fault, my roommate threatened to sue me if I moved out, I lost almost all of my friends and I'm in a spiralling depression and I don't know if I'll ever get out it. But despite all of these hardships I've held onto Christ and the iron rod harder than I ever have in the past and I know that's why I am still alive.
Orlando, Florida Temple
When I was suspended the first thing I did was go to the Temple. It was my friends first time doing Baptisms that night so a lot of the members in my ward were there and I had a lot of company. I started the night with clenched teeth, a heart in my throat and my eyes blurry from tears that kept threatening to come out. But by the end of the night I felt at peace and I knew the Lord was by my side and helping me through this. When I got fired, the days leading up to me moving home, I went to the Temple every day. I promised the Sister Missionaries in my ward that I would go to the Temple and do baptisms on my own and I did. And it was wonderful. The peace that I got was unlike anything I'd ever felt and I know it was the Spirit helping me through this difficult time. President Monson said in the April 2015 General Conference, "as we enter through the doors of the temple, we leave behind the distractions and confusion of the world. Inside this sacred sanctuary, we find beauty and order. There is rest for our souls and a respite from the cares of our lives." At this difficult time in my life, had I not gone to the Temple daily I would not have found that respite and I would have been stuck in my grief. In the Temple, worldly things do not matter. Only you and the Lord. Isn't it great that we have a place where we can be so close to our Heavenly Father? We are so lucky that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent us His only son and restored His church on the earth so we can be with Him again. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lords one true church. I know He sent His son to atone for our sins because He loves us so much. And I know that if strive to be more like Him and keep our covenants, He will bless us. I have felt it and I revel in the blessings He has given me, daily.